How Can I Help: A Short List Of Organizations To Support

I’ve been getting many questions and seen a lot of posts on social media where people are asking “What can I do to help?” I know that going to protests, rallies, or advocacy groups may be tough depend on your schedule or if you have a disability. However, you can always help financially! And you don’t have to give $500 or a building. Even $5 is all it takes.

Below is the list of all the organizations I either have already given to (via my show, which more later) or plan to donate to in the future. You can donate directly or volunteer as well! I included a link to their website and a short blurb explaining what they do. Huge thanks to Jezebel, The Salad Bowl Kinja, Daily Kos, and W Magazine and the various comment sections of those sites for getting me started and feel free to share this list!

Planned Parenthood
Pro-women health organization dedicated to ensuring and supporting reproductive rights.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Provides legal aid and support to low-income trans people of color.

American Civil Liberties Union
Stated mission: To defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Border Angels
Volunteer organization advocating for US-Mexico immigration reform.

Campaign Zero
Works to end police brutality

Center for Reproductive Rights
Works to secure women’s reproductive rights

Council on American-Islamic Relations
Muslim civil liberties organization

Nonprofit environmental law organization

Lambda Legal
Legal organization dedicated to fighting for the civil rights of the LGBT population and people with HIV

Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Organization focused on improving the rights of people with disabilities

Mazzoni Center
Offers healthcare services to LGBTQ population in Philadelphia

New York City Alliance Against Sexual
The mission of the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault is to prevent sexual violence and reduce the harm it causes through education, research and advocacy.

NARAL Pro Choice America
Political advocacy group focused on fighting for women’s reproductive rights and freedom

NAACP Legal Defense Fund
Promote the civil rights of people of color and works to eliminate race-based discrimination

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los
Advocacy and organizing group focusing on achieving human, civil, and labor rights for immigrants

National Coalition Against Domestic
Non-profit membership organization working to end violence in the lives of women.

Buy From A Black Woman
Directory of black woman-owned businesses in various fields, from engineering to beauty care to erotica

National Immigration Law Center
Fighting for the rights of low-income immigrants through litigation, policy analysis and advocacy

National Organization for Women
Activist organization, foundation and PAC that advocates for equal rights for women.

Native American Rights Fund
Legal assistance to Native American tribes, organizations, and individuals

NextGen Climate Action
Works politically to prevent climate disaster.

The Audre Lorde Project
Community organization and outreach to queer people of color

Southern Poverty Law
Focuses on civil rights and public interest litigation. Fights a lot of cases against white supremacist groups.

Texas Freedom Network
Acts as the state’s watchdog for monitoring far-right issues, organizations, money and leaders.

Trevor Project
A national 24-hour, toll free confidential suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth.

Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights
The Young Center is dedicated to advocating for the best interests of unaccompanied immigrant children, to ensure that wherever they land, they are safe

Sierra Club
Grassroots environmental organization working to protect millions of acres of wilderness and pass legislation like the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.

Girls Who Code
Organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology job fields.

Prep for
Leadership development program that offers scholarships, academic and leadership help to underrepresented minorities. NOTE: I was a part of this program and Prep for Prep does amazing work! They helped me in terms of finding a great college and helped me with the high school selection process. They also give near full scholarships to various private and boarding schools.

Union of Concerned Scientists
Works to create solutions to the planet’s most pressing scientific problems through research, advocacy, and policy.

She Should Run
Non-profit that aims to get more women into elected leadership roles.

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Anti-sexual assault organization working with local rape crisis centers across the U.S.

Engineer Girl
The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women.

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and its attorneys offer an unrivaled breadth of service, materials, and knowledge on all aspects of media law.

National database of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. FabFems matches girls with role models. NOTE: I didn’t see a donation page but please email them to see how you can support.

Reproductive Health Access Project
Non-profit that trains clinicians to make quality reproductive healthcare more accessible.

Running Start
Organization dedicated to educating young women and girls about the importance of politics

PEN America
Strives to protect free and open expression in the United States and across the world through literature and writing.

Oliver Scholars Program
Prepares high-achieving Black and Latino students for success at top independent high schools and prestigious colleges.

National Society of Black Engineers
Student-governed organization working to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers. NOTE: My late brother was a part of this organization and they do excellent work!

Also, I co-run a stand-up comedy show every 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mondays at Freddy’s Bar called Ed Sullivan on Acid. The show is free, there’s free candy, and I promote a diverse line-up of voices. Post-election, I started a new policy where for every person who comes to the show, I donate $1 to one of the above organizations. I also pass a bucket around to collect donation money for any audience members who feel comfortable doing so. Below is the info for my show:

NAME: Ed Sullivan on Acid
WHERE: Freddy’s Bar
ADDRESS: 627 5th Avenue (between 17th and 18th Street), Brooklyn, NY
WHEN: Every 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and sometimes 5th Mondays
TIME: 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm
COST: Free!
PLUS: Free candy!

Finally, please email/DM me and let me know of other organizations and I’ll add them to the list! Stay safe and look out for your fellow brothers and sisters.